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Tim Johnson wins Royal Aeronautical Society Award

21st November, 2014


RAeS Tim J picture credit RAeS2

Tim J collecting his award. Credit: RAeS via Twitter

Aviation Environment Federation Director, Tim Johnson, received the 2014 Green by Design Specialist Group Award from the Royal Aeronautical Society in early November commending his work on the environmental impacts of aviation.

The award’s citation reads:

“The  2014 Green by Design Specialist Group Award for the significant, authoritative and responsible contribution Tim has made to moving the debate on the environmental effects of aviation forward in a notoriously difficult and complex landscape of conflicting interested and social, political, commercial and technical challenges”

Tim picked up the award the Royal Aeronautical Society’s annual Brabazon lecture on the 5th November. The award highlights Tim’s reputation amongst all stakeholders and reflects AEF’s unique position of holding the respect of community groups, policy makers and the aviation industry.