5th November, 2021
* We are no longer receiving applications for these positions. Thank you to all those who expressed an interest in joining our team.
We are looking for a full-time Head of Communications and a part-time Communications and Administration Assistant to join our team. Click below to view the job descriptions.
To apply, send your CV to info@aef.org.uk by 26th November 2021 (extended to 5th December 2021 for the Head of Communications role), together with the declaration and a covering letter setting out how you meet the criteria listed in the job description, using examples from any paid, voluntary or other activities you have undertaken.
We anticipate holding first interviews virtually (using Zoom) in the week of 29th November 2021, with second interview being held in person in the week commencing 6th December 2021.
If you have any questions regarding these applications, please email info@aef.org.uk and a member of staff will contact you as soon as possible during normal office hours.
Head of Communications Job Description (deadline extended to 5th December)