24th November, 2005
The 2003 Air Transport White Paper (ATWP) asked airport operators to produce or update their Airport Master Plans (AMPs) as soon as possible. The majority of operators have now submitted plans, at least in draft form.
An Airport Master Plan (AMPs) sets out the airport operator’s plans for the airport in fairly broad terms, covering issues such as forecast growth in usage, plans for expansion and environmental impact.
Aviation is a rapidly growing industry that some local authorities have been keen to encourage. Aviation is frequently promoted as an important source of jobs and economic growth. Given this situation, it is not surprising that airport operators have been quick to use AMPs to promote rapid growth of their particular airport.
The publication of AMPs has sparked off a wave of public concern around the country. At a public meeting in Southampton, over people were present to hear an MP, an MEP, a council officer, the leader of the council and a member of Airport Watch gave their perspective.
For more information on Airport Masterplans, see the Friends of the Earth website http://www.foe.co.uk/resource/briefings/airport_master_plans0.pdf. There is also guidance to local groups at http://community.foe.co.uk/campaigns/transport/index.html.