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Budgeting for aviation: do the carbon books balance?

18th May, 2009

The 2009 budget was, for the first time in history, accompanied by a carbon budget setting us on the path to the 80% greenhouse gas reduction we’re committed to make by 2050. But aviation didn’t quite make it on to the books. There’s comment in our News section about this, and a more detailed consideration of how aviation emissions need to be dealt with in the carbon budgets in our response to the latest Environmental Audit Committee inquiry .

We’ve also submitted our response to the Defra (Department for Environment, Farming and Rural Affairs) consultation on the Government’s proposed changes to the Environmental Noise Regulations 2006. This is a particularly important policy area for our members and we have been liaising closely with many of them over the past few weeks.

Finally, we’ve been advising one of our members on how Permitted Development Order regulations can allow airports to expand without ever having to put in a planning application – an issue we plan to raise with the DfT in the context of their current review of the economic regulation of airports.