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Volcanic ash leaves the skies quiet, but work at AEF continues

16th April, 2010

With all flights into and out of the UK grounded as a result the ash clouds from an Icelandic volcano eruption, the skies have been very quiet for many AEF members for the past 48 hours!

All the same, we’ve been continuing our work on the draft noise action plans and considering what action to take if the problems we’ve highlighted are not fully addressed by the time the final plans are published. We have, however, come across evidence that since our meeting with DfT and Defra they have begun challenging airports whose plans are inadequate.

Tim spent several days at a meeting with the Global Reporting Initiative to consider draft text on an airport reporting system for environmental and ethical standards.

Cait, meanwhile, has been mainly in the office, providing follow-up material for the Institution of Civil Engineers after the recent roundtable event, working on the next members’ newsletter, and dealing with inquiries, including one from a student researching the environmental impacts of Kent (Manston) Airport and two from organisations involved in carbon markets and interested in airlines’ inclusion in the EU ETS.