1st December, 2010
30th Oct – 30th Nov
Our work this month has included a week-long session at CAEP, another airports task force meeting, a film on contrails and the AEF AGM.
Tim J attended the annual steering group meeting of ICAO’s Committee on Aviation Environment Protection (CAEP) in Toulouse. This week-long meeting considered progress by the working groups on a range of issues including a 3-year work programme leading up to a decision in 2013 on a Chapter 5 noise standard and a new aircraft CO2 standard. See article on CAEP and AEF’s role.
Tim also participated in the third meeting of the South East Airports Task Force which aims to complete its work and report next summer. The meeting concentrated on consumer expectations and needs. (Once approved, the Minutes from the meetings are put on the DfT’s website.)
Roger and Tim T organised the AEF’s 35th AGM on the 18th November. After the annual report from Tim J and electing the Executive Council to serve for the forthcoming year, AEF members Jeremy Birch and Michael Nidd gave an excellent presentation on current methods to track aircraft arriving and departing from airports, and produce associated noise contours.
Nic was interviewed for a television documentary on contrails. (Contrails are a significant component of the greenhouse effect from aircraft.)