2nd November, 2011
The last fortnight has seen the culmination of many weeks of work from all AEF staff members on the Government’s consultation on its aviation scoping document – the first stage in the process of writing a new aviation policy. Our response, and relevant evidence (much of it new) covered economics and connectivity, climate change, noise, air pollution and third party risk.
We also submitted a much shorter response to the consultation on the draft National Planning Policy Framework, focussing on how the principle of sustainable development could and should be embedded in the planning system in practice and not just in high-level language. A newsletter for our members set out our headline messages on issues arising from both consultations. Tim and Cait also met with shadow aviation minister Jim Fitzpatrick to discuss our views on the future of aviation policy.
Both Tim and Cait have also been active at various events. Tim addressed NATS staff at an environmental awareness training event, and provided an NGO perspective on the aviation and climate change challenge at the Greener by Design conference held at the Royal Aeronautical Society, while Cait presented AEF’s views on aviation’s inclusion in the EU ETS at a breakfast event organised by ENDS Europe as part of The Carbon Show (a video recording of the session is currently available on the ENDS Europe homepage). Tim also chaired the annual meeting of the Henstridge Airfield Consultative Committee.
Finally, AEF hosted a meeting of AirportWatch, which discussed recent media coverage of aviation policy issues, biofuels, and aviation campaigning in France and the USA.