25th November, 2011
The past two weeks have seen us focussing on how the aviation indsutry is responding to environmental challenges.
Tim has met with industry representatives involved with the Sustainable Aviation initiative to discuss the future advisory role of SA’s stakeholder panel. Sustainable Aviation is a coalition of airlines, airports, air traffic managers and manufacturers that has set out a range of environmental targets for the sector, and the stakeholder panel brings together experts from academic, economic and government backgrounds, together with AEF, to provide external comment on the organisation’s output and direction.
Tim also participated as a panellist at the British Airways Environment Debate on the role of emissions trading for airlines, which is increasingly coming under the spotlight in the final weeks before the launch of the scheme in 2012.
Cait provided comment for Channel 4 News on the call from four airlines for a scrapping of Air Passenger Duty, and wrote a web item on the same subject. She also contributed to a magazine article on the aviation jobs market, commenting on the extent to which growth of the aviation sector might in future be constrained as a result of its environmental impacts.
Finally, we held a meeting of the AEF Executive Council, which, every two months, scrutinises our work programme and checks that we are delivering against our long term goals.