2nd March, 2012
Following our recent meeting with Labour’s shadow Transport Secretary Maria Eagle, in the last fortnight AEF, together with a number of other NGOs, discussed the emerging aviation policy with Secretary of State for Transport Justine Greening. As part of our work feeding in to the policy review, Tim also met with HACAN, BAA, BA and NATS to discuss progress on noise issues at Heathrow.
A draft Civil Aviation Bill is currently before Parliament, and both Tim and Cait gave evidence to the bill committee, arguing for the CAA to be given duties towards the environment and the general public, alongside the proposed new duty towards consumers of air travel. The session is currently available to view on Parliament TV, and our written evidence can be downloaded from the committee’s website.
Discussion continues about aviation’s entry into the EU ETS, and the possibility of global measures to tackle aviation emissions, and Tim addressed the topic at the Aviation Leadership Summit in Singapore, the opening event for this year’s Singapore Air Show. And Nic participated in a well-attended public meeting at Southend, where there is strong opposition to the idea of an estuary airport, particularly the Norman Foster proposal.
Finally, we met with one of our members who has concerns about the operation of his local airport’s consultative committee. The Government has said that its forthcoming aviation policy will address the issue of community consultation, and that there will also be a separate review of consultative committee guidelines.