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Over 99% of operators are complying with EU ETS requirements

25th May, 2012

Ten airlines from India and China have been left isolated in their opposition to aviation’s inclusion in the EU Emissions Trading System, and are potentially facing enforcement action if they fail to comply by June. Data released by the European Commission confirmed that airlines from all other countries, including those from the other 24 States in the so-called “Coalition of the Unwilling” who had committed to challenging the scheme, have submitted their reporting data on time and are in full compliance with the requirements of the system.

EU member states regulating the Indian and Chinese airlines that have missed the 31st March deadline have sent letters requiring them to submit their data by mid-June. The reporting requirement was a ‘dry run’ for 2013 when airlines have to surrender their first payments for emissions. The airlines currently not complying contribute less than 3% of the emissions covered by the policy, reports the EC.