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The future of aviation in the EU ETS, ICAO 38th Assembly, state aid and the Airport Commission’s noise consultation

8th October, 2013

In early September, James and Tim attended an event hosted by Dr. Peter Liese MEP at the European Parliament in Brussels which looked at the future of aviation in the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme. The event turned out to be the occasion that the EU announced the region would be willing to reduce the scope of the EU ETS if a global deal was reached.

The announcement set the tone for the 38th ICAO Assembly which took place between 24th  September and 4th October. In the run up to the Assembly, James co-wrote a blog with Transport & Environment about the demands of NGOs at the assembly which appeared on Green Air Online. At the top of the Assembly’s agenda was finding an agreement on a Resolution on reconciled previously contrasting positions on market based measures for aviation.Tim attended the Assembly on behalf of the environmental NGO umbrella group, ICSA (the International Coalition for Sustainable Aviation). See here for what happened. We received coverage in articles reporting on the Assembly on Responding to Climate Change and Bloomberg.  

Nic also managed a trip to Brussels where he attended an event hosted by Transport & Environment on state aid to airports and airlines. Delegates were asked to assemble instances of state aid, many of which have not been reported to the EC. AEF’s response to the EU consultation can be found here.

In terms of our UK work, we submitted our consultation response to the Airports Commission on Noise and Nic and James debated the need for airport expansion at an event held by the Town and Country Planning Association.