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Noise comment in the Standard, climate analysis, and challenging the industry on sustainability goals

6th June, 2012

While Tim has focussed on international climate work during the past fortnight, Cait has been finalising an AEF briefing paper on the implications of the latest advice from the Committee on Climate Change for aviation policy in the UK. The Government is required under the Climate Act to take a decision this year about whether or not to include aviation emissions in the UK’s carbon target, and the CCC, their official climate advisers, have recommended that there is no longer any reason for it to be excluded.

Following very extensive recent coverage in the Evening Standard of calls for the third Heathrow runway debate to be reopened, AEF wrote a letter focussing on noise impacts, which was published on 28th May. The question of whether the South East is really facing the reported capacity crisis was discussed in some detail at the Westminster Energy, Environment and Transport forum event on aviation on 31st May, at which Cait presented the AEF’s view of what a sustainable aviation framework should look like, and debated climate statistics with BA.