25th August, 2017
In our latest briefing, Why the third runway plan can’t fly: noise pollution, we look at the NPS’s failure to provide accurate mapping of flightpaths after the third runway has been constructed, preventing local communities to form a clear view on how they will be affected. Further to this, we raise our concerns for the reduced respite and night flight ban which will fall short of the eight hours recommended by WHO.
Until the Government has taken three steps on noise, the briefing argues, we urge MPs not to support the NPS.
This builds on our infographic, released in July, which outlines ‘why the third runway plan can’t fly’, including failure of the NPS to address climate change, air quality and noise pollution. Last week, we released our first briefing, Why the third runway can’t fly: climate change, which argues that the NPS should not be approved until the Government has demonstrated how legal climate change commitments can be met.